Meet Executive Director, Janine Porter
Janine Porter has owned and operated Georgia Hope, Inc. formally Georgia Youth Network, Inc. since April 1998 to the present. She taught Mathematics (her other passion) in the public school system for 5 years. Ms. Porter has a Masters in Mathematics Education and is a Energy Leadership Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). Ms. Porter has successfully owned, with her family, and operated the Computer Camp (summer education camp program) in Freeport NY from 1986 through 1997.
The family business and camp program has since expanded and is still running successfully in NY along with a residential shelter, the Sunshine Residence.
Ms. Porter now lives in Conyers, GA with her children. Ms. Porter has fostered over 22 children, adopted three children, taken legal guardianship of several children, parented several children to adulthood and the birth parent to several children.
Why Did I Foster? Written By: Janine Porter, MA, Entrepreneur, Mother, Foster Parent, Teacher, Coach
Over the years so many people have asked me, why did I decide to foster and why so many children? I received comments like, “I couldn’t do that”, “What about your own children?”, “What about your quality of life?”
My response has always been the same. I shrug my shoulders and say “why not? I have the means to provide for another child, why wouldn’t I? Every child needs a home and every child needs a family and positive experiences”.
Let’s take a look at this a little closer. Quality of life? My Quality of life is my choice. It is my choice to not only raise my children but to raise the children of others the best I know how with love, unselfishness, and compassion. Raising children to know what life feels like, having a responsible, loving parent in their lives. I enjoy the life I have created for myself and my family.
What about your children? You are exposing your children to “foster children”. As a mother, I was careful of the children I decided to work with, care for and raise in my home, with my family and we talked. My children were free to voice their opinions, respectfully about the children living in our home. My children whether birth, foster, adoptive or by guardianship, always had what they needed, never went hungry, felt loved and cared for in a structured environment just as much as any other child but most of all had a family and a loving and caringhome.
Read the rest of my letter on our blog.
Give the gift of family today!

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